Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Paper Flowers

I used to want to become a florist when I was little (including a bunch of other random professions). I love flowers and seeing beautifully arranged bouquets. Recently I've seen a lot of bloggers talk about paper flowers. Flowers made by paper. After researching more into this, I began having this hunger to make these DIY flowers myself. I haven't actually tried, but here is some of the things I found while browsing.

This book is all about different paper flowers you can make! It comes with a lot of patterns at the end of the book that will help you to make the flowers. The book itself is also beautifully photographed and put together, which makes me want it so bad! Find it on amazon or barnes & noble

The house that lars built is a blogger who I follow and love. She's a very talented crafty artist, especially when it comes to flowers. Paper flowers are one of her specialties and she also teaches workshops on making them. 
Check out this blog post where she links other bloggers who show you how you can make paper flowers.
Also this one.

A beautiful mess is another blog I love that is written by two sisters. And they also had a post on how to make paper flowers. I think the website 100 layer cake partnered up with a bunch of bloggers to do a post on paper flowers so you can find more through their website as well.

I feel like I killed two birds with one stone on this blog post because I got to talk about paper flowers anddd the blogs I like!
I definitely want to try making some of my own awesome paper flowers but well shall see, because I literally have crafters block right now...