Saturday, January 4, 2014

Photog Trip to SF

My friend Cindy is a design major and is very talented in photography. She and a friend were going to meet to take pictures around San Francisco together, Cindy invited me so I tagged along.
UHH, can I just say that I'm the most awkward person in the world. Cindy's friend probs thought I was a major freak.
But, it was a great experience because we got to go around SF taking pictures. Both girls are super artsy and have really good eyes for photography. Me being the very unartistic person, learned a lot from this photography trip and it was fun playing around with my camera.

Here are some of the pictures I took: (p.s. don't judge me)

At Fort Point, right under the Golden Gate Bridge

This is Lana, she was super nice and it was nice meeting her! Her instagram is lanachoi. Fun fact, Lana and Cindy met through instagram! Thanks for taking us around today Lana!

HEHE, never complete without a picture of myself.

Cindy's instagram: cindyefu

As we were going up to Coit Tower, too bad it is closed until the spring :( You're calves get a good workout going up all those steps!

The fog bridge at the Exploratorium is awesome! Pic credits to Cindy!

Just thought this was cool. It's ocean water and sand from Delta Beach, if you turn the wheel the sand creates beautiful spirals. (next to the exploratorium)

Both Cindy and Lana are really cool people, I'm such a loser I didn't know what to do with myself but I had a good time! HAHA!

San Francisco is my favorite. It never gets old. There is always somewhere new to go and even when you go to a place you've already been, it's a whole new experience. I love SF!
I think it would be awesome to live there for a year.

As for the pictures I took today, I actually don't really like any of them. I think I just need to practice more to get better. This experience will only help me get better in the future.

The weather was beautiful today, I wish it was foggy like sf is known for. Is this the hottest winter we've had in California or what?

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