Monday, April 23, 2018

Palm Springs 2018 Part III

Joshua Tree National Park
Hidden Valley, a one hour loop trail

Petroglyphs on the way to Barker Dam

Barker Dam

haha intimate picture @ Key's View

Skull Rock

Cholla Cactus Garden


There is a funny story to this picture. I was joking at Barker's Dam that it was my goal if I saw a Big Horn Sheep. Near the end of the trip I was looking into the mountains at nothing in particular at all when I saw something moving. IT WAS A BIG HORN SHEEP! So my sister stopped the car and the sheep was no longer in its original position, we waited and THERE IT WAS! She was like, GIVE ME THE CAMERA, and took a shot, I didn't think she would get it, and then I zoomed into the picture and THERE IT WAS!!!!! Literally made the trip! And we had a good laugh! If you can zoom into this picture, try to find it, it's there!

Palm Springs 2018 Part II

Walked over from ACE Hotel

A MUSTTTTT, and the lemon makes the flavor AMAZING! Very big in real life!

Obviously we are great at this!

Palm Spring Aerial Tram, go early!

Waiting for our time to be called, we went right when it opened but still had to wait 30 mins which is not a lot. 

Inside the tram, a great trill!


Tram down

Palm Springs Art Museum

Andy Warhol collection was awesome

I learned the swastika came from Native Americans, except Native Americans used it as a symbol for good luck. 

This is actually a table!

Literally a love seat, hehe...

While we were taking pictures, I was talking to my sister through my teeth 
that the people on the bench were totally staring at us. They were statues!

Sherman's Deli and Bakery

Sandwich was HUGE

Then drove from Palm Springs to our Joshua Tree Airbnb, Homesweet Homesteader



Cool peephole from the bedroom to the livingroom

Back patio