I posted this picture last week on my instagram but I just feel like it completely depicts what I feel about life right now. With school and work, life has been so busy. Every night I just lay in bed listening to Katie Herzig's pandora station and zone out thinking about nothing, exhausted from my day. These are the good days though, I know. I remember being a freshman in college having super big dreams about what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be the Mother Teresa of this generation. I wanted to be a human being that made an impact on this world. Haha, when I think back on it, its so funny. It sounds like such a childish dream to want to change the world, but I realized that as I am getting older my dreams are getting smaller and smaller and its so sad. My friend was telling me that she really wanted to go into advertising. Never officially having any experience in advertising, she told me she also had a back up plan. When she told me this I told her, no, if advertising is your dream you shouldn't fall back on your second choice, run after your dream, your first pick. That's when a bell rang in my head and I thought, UHH, you should listen to your own freaking advice girl. Haha! So right now I'm going back and forth on "YES! I'm gonna change the world!" and "Who do you think you are?!". But what should I do?
So, here's a list of things I like/love:
Wellllllll, these are all really broad categories, so i guess... go from this? HAHA. I have a year and a half of college to find out, but I figure I should try everything while I am young! We'll see where life takes me :)
I do believe that God has big plans for me, that I shouldn't worry because He created me specially and will make sureee my life doesn't go to waste.
Watch out world! Mary is coming!